by Alcoholics Anonymous District 6 Area 25
Meetings will be held at Normandy Chapel in Fellowship Hall
7865 Normandy Drive from 11:45-12:45pm every Monday
-June 17th & 24th
-July 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th
-August 5th
Soldiers, Family Members, DoD Civilians, Retirees, Veterans, and anyone with access to Fort Riley.
AA is a non-denominational, non-affiliated, non-judgemental program to help recovering alcoholics build and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Additional Resources on Fort Riley:
-FAP: 785-239-9435
-MFLC: 785-239-1883
-SUDCC: 785-240-8283
-BH: 785-239-7208
-ASAP: 785-239-5047
-EAP: 785-239-1347
-24hr Chaplain: 785-239-HELP
For More info on AA meetings in the area scan QR Code or visit the link below.